Jun 6, 2012

The Blues

Blazer- Goodwill, Dress- Macy's, Shoes- Gap. and Bag- St Vincent de Paul thrift store

My Tuesday adventures with Fernando are always the highlight of the week. When Tuesday comes I am so excited because it symbolizes a time where I can wander and seek adventure... I can taste, see, smell and just wholeheartedly experience what is out there outside the bubble I have been in for awhile. 
Creme Brulee from the Museum Cafe of the SF MOMA

Beef Empanada from Tanguito

Tanguito Burger.... Wonderful, juicy, and flavorful!

Seafood Paella... next time I go to Tanguito I will get the Choripan

View from the View Lounge located on the 39th floor of the Marriot in SF. A great place to relax and enjoy time with friends... their midori sour is sooo good!

Took me long enough to post again! haha.. But I've been through many changes the last 6 months and now I'm finally feeling like my old self again. Be prepared for more posts... especially of food!

“We can spend our lives letting the world tell us who we are. Sane or insane. Saints or sex addicts. Heroes or victims. Letting history tell us how good or bad we are. Letting our past decide our future. Or we can decide for ourselves. And maybe it's our job to invent something better.” 
― Chuck PalahniukChoke

With that... I am ready for what is ahead. Cheers to the new challenges, possibilities, and endless inventions!

Till later chicas y chicos!