Nov 21, 2013

London: Day 1

I could spend the whole day here... maybe everyday

Just waiting in line at Fish! for some Fish(!) and Chips

And the eating continues...

Thank you London for the FREE ADMISSION to your wonderful and beautiful museums. First stop...The British Museum!

Next off to the Natural History Museum!

Too excited....I <3 font="" science="">

Look at those tiny arms!!!
Of course I had to do the most tourist thing someone does when visiting London...take a picture in their red phone booths

Next museum....Victoria and Albert Museum!

Ardabil Carpet: the world's oldest dated carpet
R.I.P Alexander McQueen

Floor clearing dress...literally
This post is severely delayed, but I went to London in April (and again in October) and since it is throwback Thursday I decided to post these! London is capturing my heart even more than NYC has... The culture, fashion, and beautiful city among many other aspects are hard to beat in my eyes. I was born on the wrong continent!